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Posté : 12 avr. 2021, 10:34
Je me présente :

1- Comment t'appelles-tu ?
My name is Lennaert

2- Quel est ton age et que fais tu dans la vie ?
I am 37 and work as a Multimedia Designer (creating the web-based stuff :))

3- Pourquoi ce pseudo ?
It's a combination of my name and country :)

4- Dans quel coin habites-tu ?
The Netherlands

5- Depuis combien de temps pratiques-tu l'Airsoft ?
Not sure exactly, but for years :)

6- Qu'as tu comme matériel ?
Around 45 GBBs (website with my complete collection will be online in the future).

7- Que recherches tu sur ce forum ?
Information: tips & tricks, news: about new items, contacts: new friends, replica's: maybe add something new to the collection :)

8- Fais-tu parti d'une équipe ? Si oui laquelle ?

9- Aimes-tu les spécialités Alsacienne (Attention l'Admin est Alsacien...) ?
What's not to like? :D (to be fair I'm not familiar with 'les spécialités Alsacienne ', but when Googling it it looks superb! :))

10- Comment trouves-tu le questionnaire ?
Fun :)

11- Comment as tu connu GBB-Technics ?
I've stumbled up in it multiple times via Google.

12- Qu'est ce qui t'as fait pencher du coté des GBBr ?
The realism.

Tes remarques et commentaires spécifiques :
Let me apologize for writing in English (I've read the rules about writing in French :oops: ). My French is very limited (Merci, oui, non, baguette), sorry :o
I could translate my text via Google-translate, would that be a good option?

To close: thank you all for the supplied information in the past years, I'm looking forward to contribute in some way.

Re: Bonjour!

Posté : 14 avr. 2021, 22:05
par Cap'tain Caverne
Hi, and welcome.

Here you are registered on the GBB-Technics Forum ...
This is only the beginning of the adventure for this Forum which is growing more and more and that is good for all of us, and of course, also for you ...

Welcome to this side ... AEG Guys will say it's the dark side of the force, but the truth is elsewhere ...: cryhappy:
Going back to earth young padawan ...

:!: :!: As soon as your second message is validated on this post, complete access to the forum will be unlocked. You have to go through this to avoid being polluted by Spammers. This is to prevent the forum from being polluted without stopping.
So, from your next answer that I will validate, you will have access to all the rest of the Forum, it's a bit tedious, but it's necessary ...
:!: :!:

Note that a "Chat" is operational at the top of the Forum (in French language, but you cab perhast use it in english...), and a Portal is active to more easily list recent news and posts ...
The Chat is 100% functional (but will only be visible to you after 3 messages from you on the fofo ...) and is increasingly used, it can be useful for small advice or request for help , or Live help, small messages between friends, etc ...
More and more people are using it ... And that's a pleasure ...

Hope you will find information you are looking for...

Good posts to you, hoping that this Forum pleases you and is useful to you.

@ ++

Re: Bonjour!

Posté : 15 avr. 2021, 16:31
Thanks for the warm welcome! :super: